CityMobil - Towards Advanced Road Transport for the Urban Environment
Funding Organisation: European Commission, FP6
The overall objective of this FP6 Integrated Project is to achieve a more effective organisation of urban transport, resulting in a more rational use of motorised traffic with less congestion and pollution, safer driving, a higher quality of living and an enhanced integration with spatial development. This objective is brought closer by developing integrated traffic solutions: advanced concepts for innovative autonomous and automated road vehicles for passengers and goods, embedded in an advanced spatial setting. The city of tomorrow is in need of integrated traffic solutions that provide the required mobility in an efficient, safe and economic manner. It is inevitable that automation, in all possible forms between providing information at one end of the spectrum and fully autonomous driving at the other, will play a major role. We wish to make significant steps forward that will, on the short to medium term, support a sustainable development of European cities. The Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds is involved in Subproject 3 of CityMobil: Technological Issues. The new University of Leeds Driving Simulator will be used to design a study to understand the human factors aspects of transition between semi-automated and manual control of transport systems.